Relieving Everest of its Drinking Water Crisis

Beneath Everest, the tallest water tower in the world, local communities face drinking water shortages. Scientists may have located some feasible aquifers that could provide drinking water to the communities that are increasingly falling into the grips of climate change and facing “extraordinary impacts” on their drinking water quality and availability, write a group of researchers from US and Nepali universities.

The shortage of potable drinking water is a global crisis driven by the exponential increase in human population, heavy urban development, and climate change. The local inhabitants who reside beneath the world’s tallest peak, Mount Everest, a part of the Himalayas that fulfills the water needs of more than a billion people downstream, face acute drinking water shortages.

Employing electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) geophysical surveys, a team of researchers from the United States and Nepal sought to identify untapped groundwater sources with potable water in the vilages of the Khumbu region. Over a span of two years, the team conducted a total of sixteen such surveys. Additionally, they conducted interviews with locals to gain insights into their perceptions of water resource management and climate change, aiming to identify conflicts related to water usage.

The geophysical surveys detected four potential subsurface anomalies in all three villages: one in Phortse, two in Khumjung, and one in Khunde. However, it remains to be confirmed whether the preliminary findings coinciding with the subsurface anomalies represent real groundwater zones with potable drinking water.

"The ERT generates images based on resistivity, the precision of which decreases with depth," explained Ishan Subedi, one of the authors of the paper and a graduate student from Kathmandu University, Nepal. "Thus, objects with similar resistivity could lead to confusion and doubt until the preliminary findings are confirmed."

Besides low abundance and dwindling availability, scientific studies conducted in the past have confirmed the presence of fecal coliform bacteria in surface water and spring-fed groundwater sources across the Sagarmath National Park in Nepal, both of which fulfill the water demand of the region. Factors contributing to the contamination of the region’s water sources include human actions such as transportation, farming fertilizers, and human defecation, exacerbated since the 1960s by rampant tourism, as noted by the team of researchers led by Chasalin T. Cobb, a graduate student at Ball State University in the United States who specializes in hydrology.

But despite contamination, groundwater sources exhibit a lower degree of bacterial contamination compared to surface water. Therefore, the researchers conducted geophysical explorations of groundwater sources in three villages of Khumbu: Phortse, Khumjung, and Khunde. Khumbu, situated in northeastern Nepal within the Everest Zone, is home to renowned villages like Namche Bazaar, Khumjung, and Phakding.

Khumjung Village lies inside Sagarmatha N.P, a world heritage site. Image: Aris Gionis via Flickr

Electrical Resistivity Tomography or ERT is a bit like taking an X-ray of the Earth. Instead of using radiation like in an X-ray, though, it uses electricity. Surveyors set up a bunch of electrodes on the ground’s surface in a specific pattern. Then they send small electric current through these electrodes into the ground. Different materials in the ground conduct electricity differently. Some let electricity flow through easily, while others resist it. By measuring how much electricity gets through and how fast, researchers can figure out what’s underground. The collected data is turned into maps using special computer software.

Through interviews with locals and key informants, Cobb and her colleagues also revealed that the local tourism economy drives current water management decisions and is gravely threatened by climate change. Furthermore, locals are increasingly concerned about glacial melting, available water quantity, and the growing and unplanned tourism economy in the face of deteriorating water sources.

"The main challenge of conducting ERT surveys in such remote regions is aligning the survey rods in definite patterns, which compels researchers to use fewer rods and, consequently, achieve less accuracy with depth," reported Subedi. "This difficulty makes identifying deeper aquifers more challenging." Additionally, Subedi noted that the vast glacial till obstructs clear data reading. He also mentioned that the team is preparing for another expedition soon.

Besides direct local human impacts, long-distance pollution transport deposits like black carbon and industrial emissions onto Himalayan glaciers, accelerate their melting by reducing ice reflectivity. This melting alters water availability and quality in glacier-fed rivers, affecting ecosystems and communities.

Subedi concluded, "Some of the villages in the Khumbu region face acute water shortages, such as Phortse, where they currently rely on their newly built water tank as they have no other running source of water."

The paper titled "Improving potable water access using electrical resistivity tomography and community engagement to identify groundwater potential zones in the village of Phortse, Sagarmatha National Park (Khumbu), Nepal" was published in 2023 in the "THIRD INTERNATIONAL MEETING FOR APPLIED GEOSCIENCE & ENERGY EXPANDED ABSTRACTS," published by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists in 2023.


Manish Koirala

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