Cracking the Code: Delving into Methane's Secrets in Arctic Wetlands

In the vast expanses of the Boreal-Arctic region, a hidden player in the climate change equation has been uncovered: methane emissions from wetlands. But understanding these emissions is no easy task, as a study reveals.

Methane (CH4) is responsible for roughly 20-30% of the radioactive forcing related to global emissions and ranks as the second most significant contributor to current anthropogenic warming. Radioactive forcing refers to the imbalance in the Earth’s energy budget caused by greenhouse gas emissions, which leads to changes in temperature and climate patterns. While methane is less abundant in the atmosphere compared to carbon dioxide (CO2), it has a much higher global warming potential (GWP).

The global warming potential is a measure of how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere over a specific time period compared to CO2. Methane’s GWP is estimated to be 28-34 times greater than that of CO2 over a 100-year period. This means that methane has a much stronger impact on global warming per unit of mass emitted than CO2 does over a century.

Wetlands are acknowledged as the primary natural origin of worldwide methane emissions, although the precise quantity they emit into the atmosphere remains uncertain. Methane releases from wetlands are intricately tied to temperature, with emissions typically escalating as temperature rises. In significant parts of the Boreal-Artic region, encompassing northern boreal zones, tundra regions, and areas beyond the 50 ° latitude marked by rock and ice, recent warming trends have surpassed the global average by three to four times. This rapid warming has raised concerns due to the interconnected relationship between CH4 emissions and temperature increase. Nonetheless, the specific impact of long-term environmental changes by CH4 emissions from Boreal-Arctic wetlands remains uncertain.

The increase in temperature and substrate availability can potentially boost methane (CH4) production in soil microbes. However, warming also enhances processes like aerobic and anaerobic CH4 oxidation, while changes in inundation areas may counteract the increase in CH4 production. In the Boreal-Artic region, both positive and negative trends in CH4 emissions have been observed, leading to uncertainty in assessments due to factors such as the representation of biogeochemical processes, atmospheric transport, wetland emissions, and limited ground observations.

The amount of methane emitted from wetlands in the Boreal-Arctic region is still not very well understood. Previous estimates have varied widely, ranging from about 9 to 53 million tons of methane per year. Different models used to estimate these emissions also provide conflicting results, with some suggesting higher emissions than others. The uncertainty in these estimates is actually larger than the emissions they’re trying to measure. In fact, the uncertainty in Boreal-Arctic wetland methane emissions is twice as big as the total changes in methane level in the Earth’s atmosphere each year, which makes it hard to draw definite conclusions about how much methane is coming from natural sources versus human activities, impacting our understanding of the global methane budget.

To better understand and accurately estimate methane emissions from wetlands in a specific region, researchers need to improve their knowledge and models regarding how these emissions are influenced by various environmental factors. Previous studies have shown that methane emissions from wetlands are affected by temperature, as well as other factors like water levels, types of vegetation, microbial communities, and the availability of certain substances. These relationships between methane emissions and environmental conditions can be quite complex and can involve delays or interactions between different processes. These factors can significantly impact both the timing and amount of methane released from wetlands, yet they haven’t been fully taken into account when studying how wetlands in the Boreal-Arctic region might respond to climate change.

Moreover, methane emissions from wetlands in the Boreal-Arctic region vary greatly in space and time, emphasizing the importance of collecting data from a wide range of locations to improve the models. Eddy covariance (EC) measurements, shown as red circles in the figure below, have been collected since 2006 but are mainly from non-hotspot wetlands. Chamber observations, depicted as yellow circles in the same figure,  extend beyond the years of EC observations and cover hotspot regions like the Western Siberian lowlands (WSL) and Hudson Bay lowlands (HBL). By combining data from EC and chamber measurements, researchers can enhance their understanding of methane emissions across different areas and periods, although integrating these data poses challenges due to their differing spatial and temporal scales.

Figure: Spatial distribution of the long-term averaged wetland CH4 emissions in the Boreal–Arctic upscaled by combining chamber and EC datasets. (Sourced from: Yuan et al. (2024), CC BY 4.0 DEED)

In the research titled "Boreal–Arctic wetland methane emissions modulated by warming and vegetation activity," scientists from the USA quantified the decadal responses of wetland methane (CH4) emissions to environmental changes in the Boreal-Arctic region. They analyzed the lagged dependence of CH4 emissions on various environmental factors, using the largest dataset of Boreal-Arctic CH4 compiled to date, which includes data from both EC towers and chamber measurements. This dataset consists of 139 site years of EC measurements and 168 site years of chamber measurements, sampled across both hotspot and non-hotspot regions.

The long-Term Changes in Wetland Methane Emissions Over Dacades

Using a machine learning model guided by causal relationships inferred from observations, the researchers generated an upscaled dataset of Boreal-Arctic wetland CH4 emissions covering 2002 to 2021. This approach led to higher accuracy compared to commonly used machine learning methods. With the upscaled dataset, they investigated the main drivers influencing the long-term trend and variability of CH4 emissions. Additionally, they assessed the performance of BU and TD models involved in the most recent Global Carbon Project - CH4 budget.

The latest research on methane emissions from Boreal-Arctic wetlands, published in Nature Climate Change, a prestigious journal of Nature, reveals some key findings. Between 2002 and 2021, these wetlands emitted an average of 20.3 ± 0.9 teragrams of methane per year. Notably, over half of this methane came from just two hotspots: the Western Siberian Lowlands (WSL) and the Hudson Bay Lowlands (HBL). The WSL emitted around 6.6 teragrams annually, significantly more than the HBL’s 4.2 teragrams.

Moreover, there’s been a significant increasing trend in methane emissions over this period, with an approximately 8.9% rise since 2002. This increase is mainly seen in the WSL and non-hotspot regions, particularly during the boreal summer months. This coincides with observations of increasing methane levels in the atmosphere, indicating that wetlands likely serve as the main contributors to these emissions, particularly in the summer months.  

What's driving methane emission variability in the Boreal-Arctic?

Over the past two decades, while there hasn’t been a significant increase in the total area of wetlands in the Boreal-Arctic region, research suggests that the rise in methane emissions is mainly due to changes in emission intensity rather than the expansion of wetland areas. Temperature appears to be the primary factor influencing methane emissions from these wetlands. Additionally, vegetation activity also plays a role, potentially promoting the transport of methane through plants and providing more organic material for methane-producing microbes.

High methane emissions tend to occur during years with annually warm temperatures, such as during major El Niño events. For instance, the exceptionally warm year of 2016 saw a significant spike in methane emissions, particularly in hotspot regions like the Western Siberian Lowlands. This increase in emissions was attributed to the abnormally high temperatures associated with the El Niño event.

Method of measuring methane emission from the Boreal-Arctic Wetland

Scientists used a dataset called WAD2M, which comes from satellite technology, to map wetlands. Unlike traditional methods using cameras, this dataset can see through vegetation and is better at spotting water. It also prevents counting the same wetland multiple times in certain regions. They also used another dataset called BAWLD to understand different types of wetlands like bogs, marshes, etc., and to avoid counting the same wetland twice.

To cover a wider range of wetlands, they included data from other sources too. They gathered various environmental data like temperature, plant growth, water levels, etc., because these factors affect methane emissions from wetlands. For instance, they got plant growth data from a satellite called Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 and other environmental data from European datasets. To understand methane emissions from wetlands, they collected data from different sites across the Boreal–Arctic region, combining information from various sources.

They used a special computer model to predict methane emissions from wetlands. This model is good at understanding cause-and-effect relationships in data. By using this model, they could better predict how different factors influence methane emissions from different types of wetlands. They analyzed which environmental factors have the most impact on methane emissions from wetlands over the years. This helps them understand what mainly influences methane emissions in different areas. They used a statistical method to figure out how much changes in temperature, plant growth, and water levels contribute to the overall trend of increasing methane emissions from wetlands.

Consequences of Modelling Methane Emissions from Wetlands

Scientists have long grappled with accurately estimating methane emissions from Arctic wetlands. It turns out, most models miss the mark, either overestimating or underestimating these emissions compared to real-world data. The lack of accurate predictions spells trouble for the future. With climate change driving warmer temperatures and altering precipitation patterns, methane emissions from wetlands could soar. This means more methane in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. Underestimating emissions sets off a dangerous chain reaction. As wetlands expand due to thawing permafrost and increased rainfall, the underestimated emissions could multiply, further fueling climate change.

Wetland methane emissions are a big deal in the climate system. Ignoring or underestimating them means we’re missing a crucial piece of the puzzle in our fight against global warming. By collecting comprehensive datasets and considering factors like temperature and plant processes, scientists can refine their models and make more accurate predictions. This new dataset offers hope for better predictions. By fine-tuning models and addressing gaps in our knowledge, scientists can paint a clearer picture of future methane emissions and their impact on the climate.

Crucial Insights

The investigation into methane emissions from Boreal-Arctic wetlands uncovers an important piece of the climate change puzzle. Despite the difficulties in measuring these emissions, recent studies have revealed their significant role and complexities. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is a major contributor to global warming, with wetlands being key sources of its release.

The research highlights the complex relationship between environmental factors and methane emissions from wetlands, with temperature and plant growth playing major roles. The observed increase in methane emissions over the past two decades, mainly due to changes in how much methane is released rather than more wetlands being formed, shows the urgent need to understand and control these emissions.

Furthermore, advancements in how we measure and predict methane emissions offer hope for better understanding and managing their impact. By using detailed data and considering factors like temperature and plant growth, scientists can improve their models and provide more accurate predictions about future methane emissions and their effects on the climate.

The importance of accurately estimating methane emissions from wetlands cannot be overstated. Ignoring these emissions hampers our ability to understand and tackle climate change effectively. As we work towards a greener future, ongoing research efforts and improved models are vital for addressing the challenges posed by methane emissions from Boreal-Arctic wetlands and their impact on our planet's climate. 


Yuan, K., Li, F., McNicol, G. et al. Boreal–Arctic wetland methane emissions modulated by warming and vegetation activity. Nat. Clim. Chang. 14, 282–288 (2024).

Manish Koirala

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